Coca-Cola Story Archives
- Kerala State Passes Law Allowing Compensation from Coca-Cola, February 24, 2011
- Deception with Purpose: Pepsico's Water Claims in India, November 30, 2011
- Got Drought? Build a Coca-Cola Bottling Plant!, September 24, 2009
- Coca-Cola's Own Report Implicates Company for Abuses in India, March 13, 2008
- El Propio Informe de Coca-Cola Involucra a la Compañía por Abusos, 14 de Marzo, 2008
- Coca-Cola Continues Unethical and Dishonest Practices in India, September 12, 2008
- Coca-Cola Continúa con Prácticas Poco Éticas y Deshonestas, 12 de Septiembre, 2008
- Coca-Cola's Latest Scam - Water Neutrality, November 25, 2008
- El Último Engaño de Coca-Cola- Agua Neutral, 25 de Noviembre, 2008
- Coca-Cola Plant Shut Down in India, August 14, 2008
- Communities Reject Coca-Cola in India, July 10, 2003
- Coke in Varanasi: Facing Local Ire, July 10, 2003
- Coca-Cola: Continuing Battle in Kerala, July 10, 2003
- How Coke Arm-Twisted the Indian Government, June 21, 2003
- Communities Protest Coca-Cola in Tamil Nadu, June 20, 2003
- Coke's Water World, June 11, 2003
- Coca-Cola's Grip on Water, June 11, 2003
- Growing Resistance Against Coke and Pepsi, June 7, 2003
- Villagers Blame Coca-Cola for Water Woes in Thane, June 5, 2003
- Coke and Pepsi Vandalize the Himalayas, December 1, 2002
- CorpWatch India Responds to Coca-Cola, August 13, 2002
- Coke: The Arrogance of a Multinational, July 20, 2002
- No Water? Drink Coke!, May 28, 2002
- Coca-Cola: Latin America's Second Religion, May 28, 2002
- Coca-Cola Bends Rules in India, May 13, 2002

PRESS: Coca-Cola Forced to Abandon $25 Million Project in India
PRESS: Coca-Cola Expansion Plans Rejected
PRESS: Coca-Cola Plant Shut Down in India, Authorities Cancel License
STUDY: Coca-Cola’s Operations in India Lead to “Tragedy of the Commons”
PRESS: 15 Village Councils Reject Coca-Cola Plans as Opposition Grows
Mehdiganj - The Issues
PRESS: Coca-Cola Expansion Plan Opposed in Mehdiganj, India
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